Thursday, 30 August 2012


Junk mail, junk food and junk sex. What happened to the quality oflife in the 21st century?

IT IS A DEGRADED, DESPOILED AGE we are living in,where everything seems a corrupt imitation of what it used to be, an age where the letter has been replaced by junk mail and the blissful, restorative eight-hour kip has become junk sleep, where you toss and turn and rise from your bed exhausted.

Junk nation. Junk planet. Junk age.

The worst of the lot is junk sex -sex when you honestly wished you had saved that erection for later, sex when you pumped it up when you didn't really need it, sex that you remember with the same indifference as last night's takeaway curry.

Why is there an epidemic of junk sex? Because there's just too much of it around.

Twenty-first century sex is rather like 21 st-century television -there is more of it than there ever was, but that doesn't mean the overall quality has gone up.

Junk sex is not like real sex at all. It's not even like watching TV.Junk sex is more like channel surfing.

What once kept heterosexual young men in line and prevented an outbreak of junk sex -were the mores of heterosexual young women. They just didn't want it as much as desperately,as frequently, as mindlessly -as we did. 

If a boy did it all the time, he was a player. If a girl put it out, she was the Whore of Babylon.

This is what kept sex for the masses so good for so long -the basic principles of supply and demand.Even in the most promiscuous age heterosexual women were not willing to supply it with the frequency that heterosexual men demanded it.

Traditionally,women -unlike men -were ultimately choosy. That has now changed and ushered in the era of junk sex. Everybody is a slut now.

The old mating rituals of pursuer and pursued are fast disappearing.

Now that everyone is a wanton tart irrespective of gender, standards of sex have declined to the point where the average holiday shag is the sexual equivalent of a Happy Meal.

The tragedy is that a generation of young men and women is growing up witll the idea that junk sex is as good as it gets.

Now that restraint is no longer imposed upon us by women, we have to impose it on ourselves and put quality over quantity

Any man of the world knows that not getting laid is far harder than getting laid.

The thing about junk sex is that it is never, ever worth the effort.You shouldn't have to struggle to get over the finish line. You should burst through it with your blood pumping.

It is a scientifically established fact that each generation is more promiscuous than the generation that went before it.These days, the average teenager treats a blow job like an exchange of business cards.

We've all had our unfair share of junk sex. It is part of growing up, part of the process of the boy becoming a man.It can, in some ways, be a positive experience because it makes you appreciate real sex with the woman you really love. 

You learn to spot the difference.

The junk sex you have had is with women whose names and faces and even existences you can't recall. That's how you know you had junk sex -it's exactly like junk food. The thing you remember most is how forgettable it was.

What a chance we take when we stick our dicks into anything other than our underpants.
Pregnancy, disease, stalkers, true love, infidelity -all those things are just an erection away, It's never worth risking all of that on junk sex.



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Friday, 24 August 2012


Confidence! It has food for all your appetites, calm for all your nerves, direction for your missions, protection against your worries,honor against your immoralities, stability for your wavering, integrity for your shamelessness, rhythm to your boringness, advice for your endless perplexities, truths to your errors, values to your vacuums, which provides for all your needs, foresees all your desires, satisfies all your curiosities, amends your faults, and exempts you from regret.

Your desires are unlimited so your definitions are unlimited! As a man, look upon this rare jewel of confidence with a smirking air.

Hold it to the light of Truth and then confidence splits into three, the past, present, and future- or better to say initiator, consequences, and purpose.

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Tuesday, 21 August 2012


To live is to fight, for this world is but a hurricane of challenges all aimed at you. If it ever becomes too much and you get down on your life, you will look for encouragement but you will not find it.
Everyone puts on the appearance that they want the best for you, that they want you to succeed. But in reality, the thing they least want is you to succeed.

They want you to fail! When you start to change your life, people will notice it. They will not like it. We all get used to placing people in certain 'categories'.
You're showing them that there is more to you than they thought. That instead of letting life define you, you are defining life yourself. You're literally fighting for life and this makes them uncomfortable because they didn't (and once they realize it, they know it is too late!).

Endure. All your exes will have one thing in common: 'They want you to fail. The last thing they want is to run into you later and see you successful. They want to see you remain the same or sink lower. Endure. All the girls that shot you down: they want you to fail. Give substance to their fear.

Endure. At your high school reunion, the ones you knew will come back with secret desires of seeing failures everywhere, even at you. Defy them.
Endure. For it is the same for 99% of the people, they get grounded up into conformity and become bewildered as their lives become more and more joyless.They will feel threatened by you.
You may even want to stop your metamorphosis by how uncomfortable it is to others you knew and even for yourself. But those who stop can never realize their dreams.

The more successful you become in life, the more and more people will despise you. No one despises the innocent Nice Guy who happily takes orders. But everyone envies the one who knows what he wants and takes it, the guy who won't be played, and the guy who manages to unite dream and day.

All your married friends... they want you to fail. They will whisper in your ear that you should do like they did. All your friends... they want you to fail.
They will confer to you that you ought to shrug off these 'ideas' of yours. "Live like us!" they will tell you.

Most people remain static all their lives. They do not change and cannot change. They are basically the same now as they were five years ago.
But YOU are totally different, for now you have improved and refined yourself while they stayed the same in their vaperous habits.

Imagine they are gathering in a circle around you and your life. They are all taking bets on when you will stop and fail. And when you do, they will let out a sigh of relief and say, "Thank goodness!"
People do not want you to succeed, especially people you've known your entire life. They want you to stay the same or fail. Their lives can only succeed by seeing you fail.

For nothing can overtake the power of Endurance! Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.

Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated failure.Endurance alone is power ultimate. So endure. We are the sum of our endurance. And we will not let others define us any longer.

Excerpts From The Book Of Pook
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Monday, 13 August 2012

G-Code ♂

The life of a Man is not to be coddled and guided.All men are called to be leaders, even if it is not to guide other men.You are meant to guide your own household, protect it, and keep your wife and children from the paths of error, defending your fruits of Nature from the locusts and storms of Time. " ♂♀

In an ideal world the above would be common practice but sadly something seems to have broken loose in the 21st century,We are now living in a world where men have abdicated their roles as natural leaders.Sadly the world seems to be glorifying this type of man.Men are receiving wide applause for coming out of the closet and find it Valiant to declare their affection & get married to other men.Fathers are disowning their children leaving their children to grow up in single parent households.

All this perversion is being played our in the backdrop of a media machine that is bent on causing society to decay.

Without a doubt,the Media plays an important role in shaping Moral Values and shaping public opinion.Some will say that, "movies are just a reflection of society" Radio, television, movies and magazines can be used to shape society's viewpoints or to focus the attention of the masses on certain issues.Off late I have noted that a lot of American movies & series will at least have one openly gay character being portrayed in a positive light.Most recently, Frank Ocean, a young talented singer received massive praise for coming out of the closet and declaring that he is bi-sexual & is attracted to men.I foresee this as a trend that will continue to multiply as the media glorifies this sort of thing.

The German Nazi's knew the power of the media and used it to convince the German public that they were the superior Aryan Race and that Jews are not human and must be exterminated. The Nazi War machine was very effective in controlling public opinion with propaganda.
Scientific studies have shown that constant repetition is a very powerful force on our minds. Repeating an image or an idea over and over again will plant the image or idea firmly in place. Even if the idea is false or repulsive, repeated often enough it will become acceptable and thought of as a fact. This is a technique of brainwashing.

The Influence of the Media on Moral Values

As films have increased audience exposure to same sex relationships and sex outside of marriage has helped to reinforce such ideas to be fact.

Therefore films portray not the present reality of society but the future society as framed on the screen, and printed in magazines. 

As stated above a constant repetition has the effect of making you believe the repeated story. After a generation or two of this, it becomes a self fullfilling prophesy.People begin to think that it is what they are suppose to do because everyone is doing it.

Your experiences, family, friends, education, and the media help to form your belief system, or World View. Your WORLD VIEW determines where you stand.These basic beliefs come from the following questions: Who am I? Where did I come from? What happens when I die? Is there a God? Where did the universe come from? What is truth? What are good and evil? What is my purpose? How you answer these basic questions forms a viewpoint or your reality from which you evaluate and make sense out of all data of life and the world.

It is important that your world view is founded on sound principles & not propaganda.
Social and cultural acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle certainly contributed to the collapse of many empires of antiquity, including the Canaanite, Persian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek, and Roman empires.

"Of the 22 civilizations that have appeared in history, 19 of them collapsed when they reached the moral state where homosexuality is mainstream.

If history is any teacher, one must conclude that the acceptance of homosexuality by any mainstream culture tends to doom that society!

When homosexuality is finally and fully accepted pedophilia, incest and other more onerous behavior will not be far behind.Redefining marriage logically leads to siblings marrying each other or the extreme case of a man marrying an animal.

Marriage between a man and a woman is an essential characteristic of civilization, and as such is the "seedbed" of society.Chaos would ensue in the absence of strong social norms encouraging marital faithfulness and the loving care of children born to the union.

Since reproduction requires a male and a female, society will always depend upon heterosexual marriage to provide the "seedbed" of future generations. The evidence indicates that homosexual or lesbian households are not a suitable environment for children.
Homosexuals and lesbians are unsuitable role models for children because of their lifestyle.

"Nature and reason tell us that a Black person is a human being, and is not to be treated like a horse or an ox or a dog, just as they tell us that a Jew is a human being, and is not to be treated as a plague-bearing bacillus. But with the very same voice, nature and reason tell us that a man is not a woman, and that sexual friendship is properly between members of opposite-sexes, not the same sex."

"The institution of marriage as a union of man and woman, uniquely involving the procreation and rearing of children within a family, is as old as the book of Genesis." Homosexuality is Unnatural."
In his epistle to Christians living in Rome, the Apostle Paul speaks of an undeniable "law" regarding normative human behavior that is written on the hearts of mankind "to which their own conscience also bears witness." Those who would reject this law find themselves in opposition to the Divine intent for mankind, a reality that every culture from the dawn of civilization has either recognized--or failed to acknowledge at its peril.

The power of the innate realization that there is something fundamentally "unnatural" about homosexuality--even among those who consider themselves non-religious--should not be underestimated, and may well provide the vital motivation that will turn back the seemingly invincible juggernaut of the gay agenda.

This "ick factor," far from irrational, is rooted in the subconscious realization of what is normal and what is not, and which forms an inescapable part of our being. And it may be that by underestimating the power of this innate understanding, gay activists have made their greatest tactical error.

A man and a woman joined together in holy matrimony is the time-tested "yardstick" for marriage. One cannot alter the definition of marriage without throwing society into confusion any more than one can change the definition of a yardstick.

Of fundamental importance is that children can not naturally occur in a Gay relationship; they must come from outside this unnatural realm. In addition about 75 percent of Gays were molested as children, which leads to all manner of emotional and physical trauma. This behavior pattern of abuse of children is often repeated later in life, which makes Gay households an unlikely safe environment for kids.

"There has never been a society--ever in the history of the world--that has ever survived this kind of perversion." says Craig Parshall. The approval of immorality is a major step for any declining society on its way from civilization to barbarianism. When the family unravels, the society unravels. 

The traditional family cannot coexist with same-sex marriage for any length of time. In the Scandinavian countries where same-sex unions were legalized about a decade ago, young couples no longer bother to get married, as there seems to be little reason for marriage. The result of same-sex marriage will be to cheapen Marriage to the point that it becomes meaningless. Without a valid Marriage contract there is no Family, and without the Family Unit we have no building blocks for our society.

Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage will criminalize Christianity!
All who will not call Gays normal will be labeled Homophobic, or worse. Churches that preach that Homosexual activity is wrong or refuse to perform Homosexual Marriages will be hauled into court.

In closing the following are the two conflicting views:

The Secular Worldview - Homosexuality should be accepted and taught as normal. What goes on in privacy between two consulting adults is nobody elses business, including the government. Gays should have equal rights as other members in society, including Same-Sex Marriage. Discrimination for sexual preference should be un-Constitutional. Sex is OK outside of marriage, with homosexual partners.

Many in the Gay movement say that sex with children is OK and should be legalized.
The Christian Worldview - Homosexuality is a sin as declared by God of the Bible. Marriage is only defined as a union between one Man and one Woman. Our society will be in grave danger of collapse if Homosexuality becomes an accepted norm by legalizing Same-Sex Marriage. Legalizing SIN well bring the strong judgment from God.

Einstein states that what we observe is Relative to our viewpoint. In the end it's a free World and everyone is entitled to their own point of view.
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